Fred Herron

Class of 1967
Induction Year: 2022
Competed In: Basketball
Role: Teacher, Dean, Athletic Director, Principal, Superintendent
Graduated in the first graduating class from Wes-Del – 1967
- He received ten varsity letters while attending Gaston High School, ninth through eleventh grade, and four varsity letters during his senior year at Wes-Del.
- During his senior year at Wes-Del he was recognized by Bob Barnett, Sports Editor of the Muncie Star Press, for hitting 156 consecutive free throws without a miss.
- first Wes-Del athlete to receive a full ride athletic scholarship to the University of Northern Colorado to play basketball. After one year he transferred to Huntington.
- In 2005 Fred was inducted into the Delaware County Hall of Fame for Basketball.
- After graduation from college he started a career in education as a teacher and basketball coach at Cowan High School. He also did the same at Monroe Central before becoming Athletic Director and Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds at Wes-Del in 1975. In 1978 he did stints as Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and Principal of Mississinewa. In 1990 he became Assistant Superintendent and later, Superintendent at Madison-Grant USC. In 2008 he spent four years as a Supervisor of Sports Facilities at Ball State University. In 2012 he became part-time Superintendent at Union School Corporation until his retirement in 2016.